Saturday, October 1, 2011

Game Review: Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000 (1995)

Genre: Shoot 'em up
Year: 1995
Rated: K-A
Platform: SEGA 32X
View Cover Art
My Opinion: Can't finish,
too hard
I haven't played this game in years. After replaying it recently I remembered why I stopped in the first place. Its a great game, fantastic graphics, catchy music... Its just impossible to win!

No, I mean litterally impossible.

I haven't made it passed Level 2, and I doubt I ever will.

Your goal is simply to make it to the end of each level, by means of hijacking spaceships and avoiding and blasting obsticles.

Has anyone made it past Level 2 of Zaxxon's Motherbase 2000? Comment about it!